JCCC has enhanced the use of cloud storage technologies, non-web course students have the ability to utilize Google Drive and/or Microsoft OneDrive for their academic storage functions.
Non WEB students do not have access to this server. However, credit students do have the ability to utilize JCCC cloud storage technologies. (Google Drive or OneDrive) NOTICE: Web-based course content developed by students is removed from this web site after a course ends. If you're experiencing a technical difficulty, please contact the Technical Support Center.
Technical Support Center:
To submit a request for technical assistance, call 913-469-8500, ext. 4357 (HELP),
toll-free 866-896-5893, option 6.
Technical Support Center website
Acceptable Use Policy
Users must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, and the Procedures established by the College governing access and/or use of Technology and Communication Systems. To maintain the integrity of the Technology and Communication Systems and to ensure compliance with applicable Policies/Procedures, JCCC has the ability to monitor and manage access and use of the Technology and Communication Systems, and may do so in accordance with this Policy and the Use of Technology and Communication Systems Operating Procedure 510.01. Any User who violates this Policy or the related Procedures may have his/her account and/or User privileges revoked and such violation may result in student/employee disciplinary and/or legal action.