Computer Programming

Computer Programming as General

Dr. Doolittle talks to the animals,computer programming majors talk to computers. They use computer languages to instruct computers how to perform the functions most of us take for granted. If you want to concentrate mostly on the theory and design of computer systems, consider a major in computer science.
But if you want to dive right into learning the computer languages, like C++ and Java, that run operating systems, networks, and software, this could be the major for you. sumptuously appointed private yurt and a cooked-to-order breakfast each morning.
Computer programming majors learn how to write various programming languages used for software development and operating systems. Topics covered include program testing, debugging, and customization.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The algorithm development phase of the life cycle is probably the most challenging and creative.
Development of an algorithm requires the detailed analysis to determine what individual steps or task are necessary to produce an end result and in what order those steps or tasks need to be done.
This phase of the cycle needs a standardized diagramming tool to help in the analysis and in the documentation of the algorithm. So we are going to discuss two such tools in this presentation.

What is an Algorithm?

In the context of computer programming, an algorithm , is defined as a:
“ well ordered collection of unambiguous and effectively computable operations, that when executed, produces a result and halts in a finite amount of time.”

Characteristics of an Algorithm

Well-ordered: the steps are in a clear order Unambiguous: the operations described are understood by a computing agent without further simplification Effectively computable: the computing agent can actually carry out the operation CHART

There have been many programming language some of them are listed below:

C Python C++ C# R Ruby
Turbo Pascal GO ALGOL LISP SCALA Swift
Rust Prolog Reia Racket Scheme Shimula
Perl PHP Java Script CoffeeScript VisualFoxPro Babel
Logo Lua Smalltalk Matlab F F#
Dart Datalog dbase Haskell dylan Julia
ksh metro Mumps Nim OCaml pick
TCL D CPL Curry ActionScript Erlang

Characteristics of a programming Language

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